ATTRIB   Set/display file attributes.
CALL     Call batch script.
CD       Change directory.
CHDIR    Same as CD.
CLS      Clear the screen.
COPY     Copy files.
DATE     Display/set system date.
DEL      Delete a file.
DIR      Print contents of a directory.
ECHO     Echo output on the screen or change echoing parameters.
ERASE    Same as DEL.
EXIT     Exit command interpreter.
HELP     Print help for command interpreter or individual commands.
GOTO     Transfer control to a label in batch processing.
IF       Conditionally execute a command.
IPCONFIG Configure IP.
MD       Create a directory.
MKDIR    Same as MD.
MOVE     Move/rename files.
PATH     Alias for SET PATH.
PAUSE    Suspend execution of a batch file.
PROMPT   Reconfigure system prompt.
PWD      Print current working directory.
RD       Remove directory.
REM      Record comments in batch file.
REN      Change file name.
RENAME   Same as REN.
RMDIR    Same as RD.
ROUTE    Manipulates Network Routing Tables.
SET      Set or list environment variables.
SHIFT    Shift arguments of a batch file.
START    Start detached process.
TIME     Display/change system time.
TITLE    Set the window title for a CMD.EXE session.
TRACERT  Trace IP packet route.
TYPE     Output contents of a file or files to the screen.