Duplicate Comic Themes

index.php last updated 02/02/25 17:01:04 EST

Oc­ca­sion­al­ly on a given day mul­ti­ple comic strips from the Wash­ing­ton Post have a com­mon theme. Coin­ci­dence? Judge for your­self. The fol­low­ing links take you to the comics for the given date and theme.


2005-09-14 Flight Risk

2005-09-17 Prime Numbers

2005-09-19 Deviled Eggs

2005-10-31 Synchronized Swimming


2009-10-24 Cats and Tuna


2013-01-06 Sasquatch


2018-03-09 Roomba

2018-11-29 Carrots Good For Eyes

2018-12-03 Hit With Rocks


2019-01-03 Humpty Dumpty

2019-03-06 Drumsticks

2019-04-24 Aarghh!

2019-05-10 Ladybugs

2019-05-22 Forking Liquids

2019-08-05 Seafood

2019-08-06 Kites

2019-08-27 Summer Heat

2019-09-17 Hypnosis

2019-11-12 Squeak Toy

2019-11-13 Bed Bugs

2019-12-24 Quid Pro Quo

2019-12-27 Have You Heard?


2020-01-05 Afraid of Heights

2020-01-21 Drones

2020-01-22 Drones

2020-03-01 Relativity

2020-03-24 (Uh) Huh

2020-03-25 Misspelled Ads

2020-03-26 Dogs Peeing

2020-04-09 Kinda Short

2020-04-13 Profanity-Free

2020-06-03 Harry Potter

2020-06-11 Coloring Books

2020-06-19 Bag on Head

2020-07-21 Cordoned Off

2020-07-29 Backyard Waterslides

2020-09-28 The Funnies

2020-10-13 We’re doomed

2020-10-19 Due Tomorrow

2020-12-18 Sawdust

2020-12-20 Santa’s Demise

2020-12-23 Christmas Eve Eve


2021-01-06 Motivational

2021-01-09 Robots

2021-01-27 Naked

2021-02-06 Accordian

2021-03-19 Beam Me Up

2021-03-29 Playbook

2021-03-31 Wedgie

2021-04-01 $1000 April Fools!

2021-04-06 Nap

2021-05-18 Classic

2021-06-03 Gilligan’s Island

2021-06-08 Cheese Doodles

2021-06-20 Ice Cream Truck

2021-07-31 Fitbit

2021-08-18 Water Heater

2021-09-25 Voo doo

2021-10-05 Space Aliens

2021-10-23 Flatulence

2021-11-01 Underdressed

2021-11-02 Dog Licks Face for Food

2021-11-13 Pop-Tarts

2021-11-22 Hand-traced turkeys

2021-12-23 Restraining Order

2021-12-25 Reindeer Drone


2022-01-11 Wrong Answers

2022-01-22 Long Life Bad

2022-01-30 Slow Walkers

2022-02-06 Refrigerator Magnets

2022-02-21 Podcasts

2022-02-28 Puh-leeze

2022-03-03 On Vacation

2022-03-09 Animals imitating animals

2022-03-24 Tech Support

2022-03-30 Moby Dick

2022-04-18 The Slap

2022-04-24 Messing

2022-05-05 Zombies

2022-05-25 Don’t Push It

2022-06-06 Black Hole

2022-07-07 Bored

2022-07-19 Felt Hats

2022-08-09 Breaking Things

2022-08-09 Leash

2022-08-28 Wet Surprise

2022-09-03 Pronouns

2022-09-23 Lost Faith

2022-10-15 Facebook Unfriending

2022-11-02 Bologna

2022-11-02 Shepherd

2022-11-04 Pet Flatulence


2023-01-09 Makes You Stronger

2023-04-28 Cell Phone Tower

2023-06-08 Horoscope

2023-06-09 Dog Treats

2023-07-26 Wolfman

2023-08-09 Cancel Culture

2023-08-09 Tattoo

2023-08-31 Character

2023-09-22 Not a Compliment

2023-10-04 Hamsters

2023-10-16 Hunting Trophies

2023-11-18 Dog Allowance

2023-12-26 Returns


2024-01-01 Pop-Tarts

2024-01-18 Reboot

2024-02-06 Dr. Seuss

2024-02-19 Tik Tok Clock

2024-02-23 Catapult

2024-03-21 Vegetarian

2024-03-26 Hanging From Tree

2024-04-22 Moses

2024-04-27 Noise Cancellation

2024-05-29 Emotional Support Animal

2024-06-22 Dream Last Night

2024-07-13 Caterpillars

2024-07-17 Unicorns

2024-07-22 Solar

2024-10-04 You Are Here

2024-10-15 Ex-Wife

2024-11-12 Praying Mantis

2024-12-15 Hearing Aids


2025-01-01 Snow Year

2025-01-28 Eclairs

2025-01-29 The Saying

2025-02-13 Knows Everything